03.04 Rest


Rest in our life is more than not working—it’s the active engagement of restorative practices that balance and enhance our work of labor, study and prayer. Fruitful lives require rest, in which we can enjoy limitations and the gifts of replenishment.


In Our Way of Life



Each member, in conversation with a spiritual director, develops a rhythm of rest, sleep and sabbath particular to the needs of their life, their formation and their service.




Members living in a common residential community discern their own needs regarding hours of quiet, periods of silence and rhythms of Sabbath under the leadership of the community’s spiritual director. Rest and sabbath are to be strictly respected in each community.




When possible, members living near a common residential community will join the rhythm of rest practiced by the community with which they’re connected.



We want to accompany you in noticing and nurturing invitations to rest in your life.


Learn about our postulancy cohorts, which walk you through the common commitments of our rule of life, as a shared way of life in community.