03. Our Rule of Life


While Order members are spread out in different places, we share a way of life—historically known as a “rule of life”—consisting of balanced and sustainable rhythms of living along with commitments held in common, which we practice according to our own contexts and callings.

We call our rule of life Invitations & Commitments.



Our Rhythms

In solidarity with the monastic communities that have gone before us, our rhythm of life engages in bodily labor, prayer, learning and rest.

Our Commitments

We practice commitments not out of obligation but out of an invitation we sense from God to move more deeply and with greater intentionality into both the contemplative and active life they express. We explore each of these in the context of spiritual direction and community discernment.


Explore our way of life.

Learn about the design and goals of our Common Commitments cohorts as a way to begin your formation journey with the Common Life community.