03.13 Formational Healing
We may experience that our beliefs about ourselves and our relationships can be out of alignment with who we truly are. Some of these beliefs go all the way back to our “first formation” within our families of origin. Formational healing is our commitment to seek continual growth and to reconcile us to who we’re created to be within a healthy community.
In Our Way of Life
We value formational healing and peacemaking as processes necessary to live at peace with ourselves, with those in and around our lives, and with the God who already welcomes us. We actively pursue peace wherever we find conflict.
We view internal and interpersonal conflict as opportunities for humility, growth and intimacy. We assist one another in the process of moving from reaction to response, from self-justification to self-reflection, from antagonism to friendship. We pursue reconciliation and understanding by being emotionally honest, creating space for our diversity, and honoring each other’s gifts and talents.
When we notice a pattern of belief or behavior that has a negative pull on our life, we seek freedom in what it may be attached to—through prayer (e.g., formational healing prayer), through vocational (e.g., spiritual direction) or professional (e.g., counseling) support, and through supportive community.
We open ourselves to restored and restorative community by developing trust through vulnerability and transparency.
Members of the Order will actively seek to bring formational healing in their own life (integration) in order to participate in formational healing within their communities (reconciliation).
This will include the work of confronting implicit racism within one’s own life so as to be able to address systemic racism around us.
Members of the Order will participate in, as part of their rhythm of study, some prepared exercises that relate to formational healing.
We want to accompany you in noticing and nurturing invitations to healing in your life.
Learn about our postulancy cohorts, which walk you through the common commitments of our rule of life, as a shared way of life in community.